About DEQ and the Chilean Symposium on Electrochemistry
The Electrochemistry Division (DEQ) brings together those Chilean scientists who carry out Research and/or Teaching in the area of Electrochemistry. This Division is part of the Chilean Chemical Society (SChQ) .
In 1985, the First Chilean Symposium on Electrochemistry was held, an event that marked the beginning of the Division.
In 2008, Dr. Ricardo Schrebler and Dr. Paula Grez from PUCV took up this initiative and organized Symposium II. Later they organized Symposium III in 2010.
Between 2012 and 2015, Dr. Rodrigo Del Río together with Drs. Juan F. Armijo and Galo Ramírez from the PUC organized Symposia IV and V.
In the 2016-2019 period, Drs. Ricardo Salazar, Cristhian Berríos and Juan F. Silva from USACH took charge of DEQ. They organized the VI Symposium (SiELEC2016) and the VII Symposium (SiELEC2018).
Currently, the Electrochemistry Division is in charge of Drs. Claudia Yáñez, Soledad Bollo and Paola Jara, for the period 2020-2021.
In recent years, the Division has twice supported the Electrochemistry Summer School (EVE) that takes place at USACH, a space in which students who are doing their theses or professionals who work in the area of electrochemistry have met. Students and professionals from different Chilean and foreign universities such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, among other countries, have participated.
We are currently working to grow the Electrochemical Division and we would like to invite you to register as partners in the Chilean Chemical Society and to participate in our Division.